
Profiling multithreading applications

I’ve written about profiling before in the general case. But when it comes to multithreading, there are a few more factors to consider such as lock contention and cache invalidation that affect performance. And this is where mutrace (mutex profiler) comes into the picture. The profiler has a very low overhead compared (no perceived delay for me) to other solutions and gives quite nice results. I tested it on My Media System (C++) and Nemo (C#) and got interesting results for both. I knew more or less what the results for mms would be, but the results for Nemo was a bit suprising. The lock contention was significantly higher than for mms, even though I didn’t really use a multithreaded design for Nemo. So I guess it comes from the mono platform itself. Sadly it seems that mono programs aren’t compiled with -rdynamic, so the results that one gets are quite hard to decipher.