Free Software Hacking

Disable analyzer feature in imms

I’ve created a patch for imms 2.0.2a which allows you to disable the very cpu intensive BPM and frequenzy analyzer feature of imms. On my machine (AMD64 3000+) it takes almost 10 seconds to analyze a single track. While you could still install imms without sox and by
doing so disable this feature you would still need the fftw library installed for no reason. I’ve emailed the patch upstream, so I hope to see it in the next version of imms 🙂

You can download the patches here: patch part one patch part two.

Free Software python

Python for Series 60

Just found out today that its possible to run Python on Series 60 phones. How insanely great! I really need to start experimenting with coding something for my phone now. Already a great free software game for them 🙂

Gentoo My Media System

mmsv2 1.0 released

I released mmsv2 1.0 tonight. It has got quite a lot of testing since rc1 was released so I’m pretty confident about the release. I’ve added the new version to portage including ~amd64 (new in 1.0) as well. Update the features section also.


Todays update

A new release of Bazaar came out just a few hours after I added 1.1 to cvs so I added 1.1.1 today 🙂

Wrote an email to Gregorio Guidi so that we hopefully can close #67748 and #39203 soon.

Gentoo VCS

Bazaar 1.1 added

Just committed an ebuild to cvs for bazaar. Havn’t really switched yet, but I’m pretty certain I will soon.

Free Software

Radeon 9700 driver

Found the r300 sourceforge project today. Seems they are writing a free software driver for the Ati r300 family. Wanted to try it out but it seems very beta, has only been developed for 3 months and requires xorg-x11 cvs.