fowa On the web

Video about ducks

Just finished watching the probably best talk of FOWA again. Watch this brilliant talk, it’s both insightful and funny as hell.

fowa iola

Future of Web Applications postmortem

FOWA is now over and it has been a great conference. On the way back in the plane I got to thinking that almost all the new web applications work a lot like open source projects. In the way that they are first and foremost open, encourage external contributions (using API´s), encourages the users to drive the development of new functionality, and are actively encouraging feedback from their users in an open way where users can help other users solve problems.


FOWA day 2

Day 2 is great, won a red?! 8 gig ipod. Great and funny talks about startups and ducks among other thing so far… 🙂

fowa iola

FOWA day 1

Day one was really great. A lot of awesome talks. The most interesting guy was perhaps Umair Haque talking about edgeeconomy.  I havn’t  heard the economic  perspectives of open  distributed  production, really interesting. Steve Souder showed a very nice tool called Yslow, that can really help you find speed bottlenecks in your web apps. Anyway next up is Paul Graham so I better stop here 🙂