About me
Anders Rune Jensen
Masters from AAU 2006
Worked on secure scuttlebutt for 2-3 years
This talk is going to be
Application architecture
- Infrastructure / computers
- Data
- User interface
Standard architecture
- Server: hacked, (shut) down
- Data is centralised
- The UI is standardized
- Power lies in being able to decide how the system can be used
- Online - One size fits all usage / moderation
- Company - Reflect existing org hierarchies
Machine learning
Infrastructure / computers
- Data
- User interface
ML recommendation systems
- Anywhere with large quantities of data
- Youtube, Netflix, Amazon, Google search, Facebook
- Not on facebook (2.3B)? Android apps interact with Facebook
- King James bible, calorie counter or period tracker
User Interfaces
- Personalized feeds
- More than 70% of view time on YouTube comes from recommendation algorithms
- Data -> UI -> Data -> UI
- Give power to the data
- Meaning anyone who can generate
- ... or buy the data
- Black boxes are an attack vector, same as proprietary software
One way of buying is ads
- Facebook, google and twitter have ad libraries
- Riddled with bugs
”They (Mozilla analysts and French officials) found that
identical searches often returned different results, and
that the library became unreliable and often crashed when
they tried to extract large amounts of information.”
24 hours to turn evil
How Taiwan combats misinformation
”First, before a propaganda campaign or disinformation spreads, we
usually observe that there is a point where they are doing some
kind of limited testing or A/B testing, and that's before it
became really popular. It's just testing the meme, the variation,
to see whether it would go viral, so to speak.”
”Each of our ministries now has a team that is charged to say if
we detect that there is a disinformation campaign going on, but
before it reaches the masses, they're in charge to make within 60
minutes an equally or more convincing narrative.”
Lithuanian elves
- Volunteer based
- Fight trolls spreading misinformation
- Resistance fighters for the 21st century
“We don’t try to be propagandists in reverse. Lithuania has problems, of course, like any nation. We only want to expose the bullshit.”
Danish election 2019
- Advertisement in TV illegal by law
- Advertisement on internet not regulated?
Ethical questions
- What values does the trained algorithm embody?
- How do we determine this? Is it static?
- Who decides what these values can be?
Machine learning summary
- Individualize
- Propriatary data and algorithms
- Constant battle
P2P architecture
- Power centralized at servers
- Hacked, shut down
- Benevolent dictator moderation
- Diversity, local governance
- Tendency towards eventual centralisation
- Power at the edges
- Users control:
- infrastructure
- data
- software (incl. UI)
- Bottom up governance
Local first software
inkandswitch article:
- fast
- multi-device
- offline
- collaboration
- longevity
- privacy
- user control
Size is number of incoming connections, red are people with earlier network-birth, blue are newer people.
- Identity centered
Social Friend network
- No gatekeepers
- Data stored locally
- UI embodying local values
Scuttlebutt feed
- Event sourcing
- Feeds are chains of immutable messages (8k limit)
- No global ledger consensus
- Public and private messages
- Larger files stored as blobs (5mb soft limit)
- Only you store your private key
Addressed by hash
- Signed and linked messages by hash
- No URL
- Location transparent
- Local network / bluetooth
- Pubs
- Onion hidden services
- Sneakernets
Replication - pull feeds
Push updates
- Long running connections
- Epidemic broadcast trees
- Identity based, ordered logs
- Following, not (yet) following or blocking
- Friends blocking works for you
- Friend block and other follow then replicate only that feed, not foaf (sybil swarms)
- Blocking deletes local feed data
- Can be private (like contact)
- Easier to guard against spam / harassment
- Pubs are problematic
- Peer invites rolling out
- Implementations: javascript, go, rust, c, python
- Multiple interfaces: patchwork, patchbay, patchfoo
- Manyverse - mobile app
Book app
- Books are posted as messages
- Can be edited, reviewed by anyone using messages
- Data from your friends & friend of friends
- Local filtering
SSB 💙 Dat
- ssb for social
- dat for files
- pubs seeding dats from friends
Dark crystal
- git init
- git add hello-world.js
- git ssb create ssb ssb-lite
- git push --tags ssb master
Created repo: ssb://%jfJAj+ssx9p9N85IN3Y00e3mXPqyYHKhShTeNwMap1w=.sha256 (ssb-lite)
Pushing blobs...
Published %al9oi9okem6YM5vbb/eh3L4e6h+dW8y9phvEFBfspOE=.sha256
To ssb://%jfJAj+ssx9p9N85IN3Y00e3mXPqyYHKhShTeNwMap1w=.sha256
About a month ago
Konstantin Ryabitsev - Linux foundation
Currently brewing
- New message format
- Private groups
- Full peer in browser
- Safer spaces (abuse audit)
Egalitarian software
- People run the infrastructure
- User in control of their data
- Subjective data views
- Not a technological solution to social problems
High modernism
High modernism is a form of modernity, characterized by an
unfaltering confidence in science and technology as means to
reorder the social and natural world
- 1950-1960
- Centralization
- Rationalization
- (Over)simplification
- The end justifies the means
Digital high modernism
- Computers are a modernists wet dream
- Top down approach
- Systems enforcing (simple) rules
Mall camera
Tiny frame-mounted cameras analyze your face, discerning your
age, gender and mood
Digital panopticon
Global surveillance
- Chinese social credit system
- NSA - Snowden
- Silicon Valley - Google, Facebook, Twitter etc.
Value technical sovereignty
”We believe that data is a public infrastructure”
”Vodafone, the provider of the city’s telecoms services,
is now contractually obliged to give back the data it
collects from the public, which will be published
anonymously on the
data portal. It wasn’t exactly easy to
They resisted for over a year”
If the multitudes scatter and cannot be retained, the city state will become a mound of ruins.
- Early Chinese Manual of Governance
- Architectures: centralised, decentralized and distributed
- Power: hierarchical, machine learning, egalitarian
- Digital high modernism
Thank you!
Local pub @ BornHack
SSID: meshtheplanet